Why is SEO important
If it isn’t already, SEO should be a fundamental part of your website’s setup and maintenance. You should handle it as a business strategy because it could ultimately affect how many customers you can find online. The modern consumer is known to reach for their phone when they’re looking for products/services near them. We’re all doing it so often that the numbers are quite literally staggering. For the purpose of this blog, we’re going to focus our attention on Google. Google is the most popular search engine in Australia by far. It holds 94% of the search engine market share in Australia and the only other search engine even remotely competing is Bing with 3% market share. (Statcounter stats sheet from July 2020- July 2021).
- Google searches per second (global): Almost 100k
- Google searches per day (global): 3.5 million
Source: Internetlivestats, 2021
A considerable portion of these Google searches are related to commercial or interests. So that means hundreds of thousands of people are looking for services every day. The bottom line is that it affects your bottom line. You need to take advantage of this because it has real impact on your income and customer base potential. In summary: Yes, SEO is very important to give your business a fighting chance at competing in your market.