Rapid Rendering Solidified 1st Page Ranking With Floodgate Digital

Rapid Rendering’s keyword concentration strategy enhanced their ranking on “near me” and popular blog title SERPs. They are a house rendering provider that managed to achieve authority and higher ranking with keyword-powered content strategies. Here is a quick snapshot of what we achieved:

Increased website speed

Unique location pages

Over 100 Backlinks

1st Page SERP Ranking

The Client

Rapid Rendering is a rendering specialist for commercial and residential clients in Brisbane. They help all their clients with access to premium rendering solutions. The founder, [Client’s name], has helped hundreds of locals over the past years and aims to continually provide top-quality services. The existing website already had informative aspects and needed technical and content-based SEO strategies to unlock new engagement levels.

The Strategies

To increase customer engagement, and see that translate into conversions, the client needed a webpage that ranked higher on search engine result pages. The aim was to position Rapid Rendering as the expert in the industry and a stand-out service provider in the region. The existing content and digital marketing techniques were not aiding in the prominence the client exhibited. The process of ranking higher required an aggressive keyword and content-based revamp. Results weren’t achieved straight away but a couple of months after the strategy outlined by Floodgate Digital, the fruits of our hard work began to show. The client’s website showed up more often as an organic result with informative aspects. The strategies included all of the following and more:

1. Technical SEO Enhanced

Floodgate Digital performed an extensive SEO analysis and audit to track the health of the existing website and the typical customer engagement. This helped to quickly identify issues as well as improvement opportunities. Technical optimization work was required to create a healthier, easier to use website structure. This included:

  • Menu restructuring 
  • Clean website design for location and service pages 
  • Improved website speed

2. Quality Content added

Using the existing website and enhanced pages, the work began to find the best primary keywords. Extensive research went into local competitors, Rapid Rendering’s unique characteristics and the excellent range of services they provide. After finding the perfect mix, Rapid Rendering’s website received a huge content injection with various articles and pages based on those keywords. We focused on answering questions that potential customers needed to know the answers to. As a result, Rapid Rendering began to appear more prominently where these themes were searched.

3. Cross-page and Cross-Partner Link Building

Internal, external and backlinking are all important pieces of the puzzle when it comes to ranking higher for service-based establishments like Rapid Rendering. After the big pump in quality content, the various link building activities help to improve the website’s prominence. Floodgate Digital’s ability to build relationships with partners helped to enable backlinking opportunities to amplify the presence of the client’s high-quality content on relevant sites. 

The Results

A typical search on any device on Google for “rendering Brisbane,” (which was a targeted keyword strategy for the client) will result in the website appearing on the first page guaranteed. That is after a couple of months of highly intensive digital growth improvements implemented. The team at Rapid Rendering also know that they can rely on Floodgate for comprehensive monthly reports, and they will show significant improvements in the performance of the website. We can specifically show that engagement has improved, visits are up by 24.11% and unique visitors have surged by 124%. Overall, Rapid Rendering’s authority score has almost doubled over the last 12 months from 12 to 21.

Authority Score June 2021: 12

Authority Score May 2022: 21

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